• Ribbon Cutting


  • Ambassadors

  • The Ambassadors committee is one of the most involved and influential committees in the Chamber. Ambassadors are at the forefront of assisting new and existing members to get the most value out of their membership. They are known as the “Welcoming Arm” of the Chamber because they are often the first point of contact for new businesses as they join and become familiar with the Chamber.

    Along with the Board of Directors, the Ambassadors are encouraged to attend all Chamber functions and are always available to answer questions or assist members.

    Membership in the Ambassador program is by application and selection only. For more information or to submit an application for the Ambassador program, contact the Membership Director.

  • 2025 Ambassadors

    Photos Courtesy of Darrah Photo


  • John Daniels
  • John W. Daniels III LB '25

    Danjo Agency