• Adairsville State of the City

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      Name: Adairsville State of the City
      Date: March 2, 2023
      Time: 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM EST
      Registration: Register Now
      Event Description:
      Cartersville-Bartow ChamberCity of Adairsville
      Invite you to the: 
      State of the City

      Thursday, March 2, 2023
      NorthPointe Church Meeting Facility

      7:30 AM - Meet and Greet with Elected Officials / Breakfast Buffet Opens
      8:00 AM - Program Begins

      Opening: Lee Castro, City Council
      Recognition of Elected Officials: Mayor Kenneth Carson
      State of the City: Pam Madison, City Manager  

      This event is open to the public and free to attend.
      Registration is requested.

      For more information, contact Mecole Ledbetter.
      NorthPointe Church
      30 Orchard Road
      Adairsville, GA 30103
      Date/Time Information:
      Thursday, March 2, 2023
      7:30 AM - Breakfast Buffet Opens
      8:00 AM - Program Begins
      Contact Information:
      Mecole Ledbetter
      This event is open to the public and free to attend. Registration is required.
      Set a Reminder:
      Enter your email address below to receive a reminder message.