Everyday Situational Awareness
Safety Tips for Everyday Life
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Presented By: Ken Scott, Provectus Group
- What is Situational Awareness and how can it help keep me and my family safe?
- Common Do's and Don'ts
- What to do before leaving your home and/or business / building
- What to do before exiting your vehicle
- How to deal with a suspicious person
- How to to start using these new tactics TODAY
We will have a classroom portion with a very brief powerpoint presentation. We will then show a couple real life videos of various attacks so we can dissect them and figure out better options. We will then step outside for the hands on portion and it will help participants understand how to deal with a suspicious person.
*Limit 24 Attendees for Social Distancing Purposes.
Ken Scott is Owner and Founder of Provectus Group, LLC. A multi-disciplined defense firm specializing in consulting and training for Law Enforcement, Military, Corporate and Civilian entities.
Ken's career started over 18 years ago in contracting but later transitioned into Law Enforcement. He eventually moved into the Special Operations side of Law Enforcement, becoming a K9 Handler and supervisor over a Criminal Task Force. Ken received hundreds of hours of specialized training through HIDTA, DEA and the FBI ranging from Drug Trafficking to Recognizing Criminal Conduct and Behavior.
As a Supervisor, his team was responsible for Crime Suppression, High Risk Warrants, Organized Crime, Bait Vehicles, Theft Rings, Violent Fugitive Apprehension and certain undercover operations.
During his career he earned several General, Advanced and Specialized Instructor Certifications through the State of Georgia, Department of Justice and Department of Homeland Security. Ken ended his Law Enforcement career as a Chief of Police of a municipality of Georgia.
"My mission is to spread the good word, so that more people stay alive...for this is God's gift to me." ~ Ken