Bartow Business Women
Sponsored By: Peachtree Planning Corporation
Topic: The Truth about Money
Like it or not, money is interwoven through all areas of our lives. It can do so many important things for us, like secure education for our children, give us a peaceful retirement or even provide for the life we desire. But many of us have been told that when it comes to planning for our money that we should treat money like it’s math. But anyone who has stayed awake at night panicking about a home purchase or the cost of a wedding knows that money is connected to more than numbers.
And though we may conflate money with all sorts of attributes— wealth, power, intelligence, style, even human worth—money has no personality of its own. It does, however, reflect our feelings, values, and beliefs. Importantly, money has the ability to endow us with an irrefutable sense of freedom. Numbers can’t do that.
But to feel this freedom, we have to get really clear about what is going on. Join Ande Frazier, financial behavioral expert, as she takes us on a journey to get clarity about our relationship to money. This is not a boring “how to” session, but one that dives into the reasons why our relationship to money is so important to understand. Her honest, raw and real approach to this topic promises to fill in the blanks as to what has been missing from your own personal money story. You won’t want to miss this session.
Speaker: Ande Frazier
Ande began working in the financial industry over twenty-eight years ago specializing in personal finance and wealth building for individuals and business owners. Her skills led her to become a prominent speaker and thought leader in the financial services industry; having coached and developed thousands of financial professionals.
After serving in various leadership positions throughout the financial services industry, including running a multi-million dollar fintech company, launching a media company focused on women and money and serving as a Vice President of Distribution for a large insurance company, Ande felt it was time to get back to her roots of working with people directly by rejoining her family’s wealth management firm, Clocktower Wealth Management. In addition, she maintains a consulting practice, where she speaks and continues to be a contributing editor for multiple publications.
Author, speaker, thought leader, and money educator, Ande Frazier has made it her mission is to break down the emotional, behavioral and societal barriers that stand between women and strong financial foundations.
She regularly appears on top national media outlets to speak about topics at the intersection of women and finance and she has been named one of the “Top 100 in Finance” in 2019 and “Top 50 Women of 2019” by Top 100 Magazine, as well as one of Bristol’s “Who’s Who Among Distinguished Professionals and Executives.” In addition, she is a Gold Stevie Award winner for Female Executive of the Year for 2019.
Her Amazon Best Selling book Fin(anci)ally Free! 11 Conversations to Have with Yourself about Life, Money and Worth, published by ForbesBooks is available at all online book sellers now.