• CANCELLED: Adairsville Eggs and Issues Breakfast

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      Name: CANCELLED: Adairsville Eggs and Issues Breakfast
      Date: June 4, 2020
      Time: 7:00 AM - 8:30 AM EDT
      Event Description:
      Meetings are at the NorthPointe Church Meeting Facility off Old Hwy 41 on Orchard Way the first Thursday of each month excluding January and July.

      7:00 AM - Early Arrivals, Coffee
      7:15 AM - Breakfast Buffet Opens
      7:30 AM - Program Begins

      Sponsorship opportunities are available. Each monthly breakfast is sponsored by a Chamber Member.

      For more information, contact the Community Development Director.

      View the website calendar for information on upcoming Chamber events.
      NorthPointe Church
      30 Orchard Road
      Adairsville, GA 30103
      Date/Time Information:
      7:00 AM - Early Arrivals, Coffee
      7:15 AM - Breakfast Buffet Opens
      7:30 AM - Program Begins
      Contact Information:
      Jessica Sewell
      This event is open to the public and free to attend.
      Set a Reminder:
      Enter your email address below to receive a reminder message.