The Small Business Council &
Bartow Employer Committee
have partnered to bring you the
Human Resources Academy
This two-day HR Academy presented by
Fisher & Phillips LLP will cover a variety of topics
in the field of Human Resources.
Thurs., Nov. 8 & Fri., Nov. 9
7:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Continental breakfast to be provided
Cartersville-Bartow County Chamber of Commerce
122 West Main Street
Cartersville, GA 30120
Cost for Chamber Members: $35/day or $50/both days
Cost for Not Yet Members: $70/day or $100/both days
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Session 1: Social Media in the 2012 Workplace
Terri Stewart, Fisher & Phillips LLP
Session 2: What You Need to Know About Wage & Hour Compliance
C. R. Wright, Fisher & Phillips LLP
Session 3: Sick & Tired: Managing Employee Attendance
Myra Creighton, Fisher & Phillips LLP
Friday, November 9, 2012
Session 4: Immigration Compliance Update
Jessica Cook, Fisher & Phillips LLP
Session 5: Protecting Your Confidential Information, Relationships and Talent: Non-Compete Agreements, Trade Secrets and Computer Protection Laws
Michael Elkon, Fisher & Phillips LLP
Session 6: The Legal Basics of Hiring and Firing
Tom Rebel, Fisher & Phillips LLP
Portion of proceeds to
benefit the Hoops for Hope
Scholarship Program
Registration is required. Deadline: Monday, November 5 at 12:00 PM or until sold out.
Register with LaDonna Jordan at
(770) 382-1466 or