Leadership Roundtable with Steve Dennis
From Adversity to Advantage
Monday Nights at 7 PM (through June 1, 2020)
May 11 | May 18 | May 25 | June 1
Steve Dennis is the Founder of Motivation Unlimited and an Executive Director with The John Maxwell Team.
Watch Steve's video in the #ForBartow Video Series for a sneak peek at the content that will be taught during the
From Adversity to Advantage Leadership Roundtable webinars.
Click here to join the Roundtable.
Download the .ics file to add the event to your calendar.
Meeting ID: 849 1548 2860
Password: 265663
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Meeting ID: 849 1548 2860
Password: 265663
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For more information, contact
Steve Dennis at (706) 290-3121.