If you're like most small business owners, providing helpful solutions is not the problem. The difficult part is presenting those solutions in a unique way that generates revenues.
Join us for this Live Online Workshop and learn the few simple steps you can take to create a package of services people will pay for.
This workshop is designed for new as well as experienced small business owners who want to add premium services to their offerings. Find a quiet spot, a pad of paper, your favorite pen, and be ready to take a lot of notes. You'll be working on creating your service during the workshop!
Promo Code: In light of the economic situation caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus, our September Online Workshops are being offered at a discount.
When registering Apply promo code 50SNMA718 to receive a 50% discount.
Register at https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07eh8x6pr34e26deb1&oseq=&c=d38fe94e-955b-11ea-9f35-d4ae5292b9a6&ch=d3914172-955b-11ea-9f35-d4ae5292b9a6