The Cartersville-Bartow Chamber is a proud supporter of Manufacturers Appreciation Week, which coincides with the State Manufacturers Appreciation Week in April. It is a chance for the Chamber and our community to say thank you for the capital investment, community involvement, employment, and support our manufacturers provide to Bartow County.
Manufacturers Appreciation Week is a coordinated effort by the Cartersville-Bartow Chamber with support from the Cartersville-Bartow County Department of Economic Development. Cartersville and Bartow County are proud of the 175+ years of industry in the community and the more than 140 manufacturers that contribute over $380 million in payroll.
The week will include industry tours that provide a wonderful opportunity for our community to experience manufacturing facilities first hand and see what goes into the process of manufacturing goods in our own community.
Tuesday, April 10: Sakai, Constellium, and Southern Machine & Fabrication Company
Meet at the Chamber at 9 AM.
Wednesday, April 11: Shaw Create Centre, Bartow County College & Career Academy, and TrinityRail
Meet at the Chamber at 8:15 AM.
Transportation and lunch are included. Tour participants must meet and leave from the Chamber. Participants will arrive back to the Chamber no later than 5 PM each tour day.
Pricing: $40 for one day (choose April 10th or April 11th) or $70 for both days.
Registration Deadline: April 6th
To be a part of the committee or for more information on
how to be a sponsor of Manufacturers Appreciation Week,
please contact Jessica Hill.
2018 Patron Sponsors of MAW:

2018 Friend Sponsors of MAW: