2024 Manufacturers Appreciation Week
October 7-11, 2024
Manufacturers' Appreciation Week is a coordinated effort by the Cartersville-Bartow County Chamber of Commerce with support from the Cartersville-Bartow County Department of Economic Development. It is a chance for the Chamber and our community to say thank you for the capital investment, community involvement, employment, workforce pipeline, and support our manufacturers provide throughout Bartow County.
We will have two tour days this year and each day will have the same schedule and tour locations. You may choose from Tuesday, October 8 or Thursday, October 10.
Our tour locations for this year will include:
Patcraft - located at the Shaw Create Center
Sakai America, Inc.
Toyo Tire North America Manufacturing, Inc.
voestalpine Automotive Components Cartersville, Inc.
Transportation, courtesy of BusMax, and lunch will be provided.
Tour participants will be required to adhere to manufacturer and tour location safety protocols and guidelines such as, but not limited to photography limitations, masks, PPE, closed-toed shoes (no heels), and other required attire. Lunch and transportation will be provided each day.
Disclaimer: Those from competing industries may not be able to do a tour due to confidentiality at the discretion of the tour location.