Small Business Council Lunch and Learn Seminar Series
Name:Small Business Council Lunch and Learn Seminar Series
Date:March 16, 2018
Time:11:30 AM - 1:00 PM EDT
Registration:Sorry, public registration for this event has been closed.
Event Description:
Small Business Council Lunch and Learn Seminar Series Presents:
Sponsored By: Starr Mathews Agency and Century Bank of Georgia
Speed networking is a quick way to expand professional connections. The big benefit is that you're guaranteed to meet more people than you typically would in a traditional networking setting during the same amount of time.
Lunch will be provided beginning at 11:30 AM
Speed networking begins at 12:00 PM
Guidelines for speed networking: ·An even number of rows of seats will be arranged a couple feet apart face to face. ·You will have 3 minutes to make a connection with the person you're paired with. A notification will be given after 1 minute, to ensure each person gets to share information about their business. ·When the time is up, everyone will move one place to the right so everyone is facing a new partner. ·This continues until the end of speed networking.