Small Business Council Lunch and Learn Seminar Series
Name:Small Business Council Lunch and Learn Seminar Series
Date:January 20, 2017
Time:11:30 AM - 1:00 PM EST
Event Description:
"Top 10 Mistakes In An Employee Handbook That Create Legal Exposure for Employers" Within this seminar, we will discuss the current employment claim trends that employers are seeing and go through various handbook policies that an employer must have to proactively avoid such claims or, if they are filed, to successfully defend against such claims.
We will discuss the importance of a "Wage/Hour and Overtime Policy" and ensuring that such a policy has very specific language addressing working off the clock or working overtime hours. We will also discuss the importance of preparing a Social Media policy and an Internet and Email policy with the right language as there are a load of traps present in these areas.
Possibly most critical of all is explaining in detail the correct verbiage that should be used within an employer's "Equal Employment Opportunity Complaint Procedure." This is an area that employers mess up all the time and having the wrong language in this type of policy has huge negative implications when facing an employment dispute.
Our goal in this seminar is to make employers aware of the gaps that plaintiff's employment layers try to exploit so they can get them corrected and have some fun along the way
Presented by: Brad Adler Bradley T. Adler represents employers in resolving labor and employment issues and also defends organizations in disputes arising out of the performance of professional services. Mr. Adler's employment practice encompasses the handling of employment discrimination claims, wage and hour claims, family and medical leave claims, I-9 audits and related immigration disputes with the Department of Homeland Security and legal issues associated with employee theft, embezzlement and violations of non-compete, non-solicitation and non-disclosure agreements.
Mr. Adler has served in a variety of leadership positions within the legal and business community. He is the author of the Georgia segment of the Defense Research Institute's Compendium of State Employment Laws. Mr. Adler also has been appointed by the EEOC to the EEOC Stakeholders Task Force for Georgia, where he currently sits as a representative for the business community. Additionally, Mr. Adler is the Chairman of the Southeastern Chapter of the Professional Liability Underwriting Society (PLUS) and has served on the Board of Directors for the Sandy Springs Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Adler also has been selected as one of Georgia's Rising Superstar Lawyers several times by Atlanta Magazine. Mr. Adler has been a guest on Atlanta radio several times regarding employment issues, lectured to employer groups and conducted client training throughout the country and authored numerous articles on topics pertaining to labor and employment law matters.
January 20, 2017, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Anheuser-Busch Community Room at the Cartersville-Bartow County Chamber of Commerce
Register online prior to the event and don't forget to bring your lunch!