Georgia Local Search, LLC
- Advertising / Sales / Marketing
3840 Westwick WayKennesaw, GA 30152(404) 797-3300Hours:Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm-
GeorgiaLocalSearch is an award winning digital advertising agency providing solutions to connect local businesses with local consumers ''at home, at work and on the go!''.
* Selected as a Cobb County Chamber of Commerce Top 25 Small Business of the Year (out of 58,000 businesses)
* Received the Cobb County Chamber of Commerce ''Cutting EDGE of Technology Award'' for use of technology to help local
businesses and drive the economy in Cobb County, Georgia.
* Kennesaw Business Association ''Business of the Year'' Finalist.
* Awarded ''Best Online Technology Services'' Award - Kennesaw, Georgia
- GeorgiaLocalSearch makes sure your advertising is seen by your ideal clients on National and Local Search Sites
- GeorgiaLocalSearch uses Leading Edge Technology
- GeorgiaLocalSearch helps you grow your presence on Social Networks
- Capture Internet shoppers attention with video, coupons or Targeted Display Advertising
- GeorgiaLocalSearch is affordably priced to maximize ROI
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Whom to Contact
- Ken AdamsDirector/OwnerPhone: (404) 797-3300
Virtual Offices .... We will be happy to meet with you for coffee or tea.